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Monday, August 18, 2014


The Independent (Kampung Inggris Pare) - Kursus Bahasa Inggris Tanpa Menghafal & Bergaransi

Bahasa inggris adalah bahasa dunia dan di pahami di seluruh dunia. buktinya sekarang ini dunia berbasa inggris telah menjadi kebutuhan. tidak hanya itu namun generasi pada saat ini akan merendahkan seseorang yang tidak bisa berbahsa inggris. hal ini telah menjadi seperti halnya simbol status. seluruh perusahaan hanya merekrut orang yang bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan fasih dan benar.  
so jangan tunggu lama-lama mari belajar bahasa Inggris di The Independent English Course  di Jl. Bringin Mulyoasri Rejomulyo (Kampung Inggris) Pare Kediri.

Fee : 

English Course :
Only : Rp. 500.000  Rp: 300.000
  • Handbook
  • Sticker
  • Certificate
durasi belajar 1 setengah Bulan, Jika dalam waktu 1 bln anda belum bisa berbahasa Inggris Uang Kembali atau mengulang Gratis !

English Language Zone Homestay:
Only : Rp. 400.000 Rp: 200.000
  • Kamar Mandi dan Seluruh Ruangan Bersih.
  • Kamar Tidur Luas 4x4 M
  • Suasana Nyaman dekat dengan Persawahan.
So.. Come Join and be friend with us! thanks...
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Root, Base, Stem, Transparent, Opaque

Root is a morpheme which is the basic part of a word and which may, in many languages, occur on its own (e.g. man, hold, cold, rhythm). A root is a form which is not further analysable, either in terms of derivational or iflectional affix.
Roots may be joined to other roots (e.g. house + hold → household) and/or take affixes (e.g. manly, coldness).

Stem is the part of a word to which an inflectional affix is or can be added. A stem is of concern only with inflectional affixes. For example, in English the inflectional affix -s can be added to the stem work to form the plural works in the works of Shakespeare. The stem of a word may be:
-    a simple stem consisting of only one morpheme (root), e.g. work
-    a root plus a derivational affix, e.g. work +-er = worker
-    two or more roots, e.g. work + shop = workshop.
Thus we can have work + -s = works, (work + -er) = workers, or (work + shop) + -s = workshops.
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Word, Lexicon, Lexime

Word Is the smallest of the linguistic units which can occur on its own in speech or writing. it is difficult to apply this criterion consistently. for example, can a function word like the occur on its own? is a contraction like can't ("can not") one word or two? Nevertheless, there is evidence that native speakers of a language tend to agree on what are the words of their language.
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Saturday, August 16, 2014



A.    Latar Belakang
Ajaran agam langit (al-syariah al-samawiyyah) diturunkan Allah SWT, kepada para utusan-Nya  bertujuan untuk memberikan kemaslahatan bagi umat manusia dalam bidang-bidang akidah, ibadah, dan muamalah (hubungan kemasyarakatan). Oleh karena akidah dari semua ajaran yang ditutunkan Allah SWT, kepada para rasul-Nya hanya satu, yakni penuhanan dan penyembahan kepada tuhan yang satu (tauhid al-uluhiyyah wa al-rubiyyah), maka dalam bidang akidah ini konsep tersebut selamanya tidak berubah sejak rasul pertama hingga rasul yang terakhir. Allah SWT, menegaskan dalam masalah ini dengan firman-Nya.
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The First Period of The Independent Student

we've just opened the program of English Language Teaching-Learning about 2 weeks ago. and we got 4 members. Three of them are from Thailand. alhamdulillah.... it means that we've got good respond from the societies.

and we would like to introduce you every member:

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Teaching English Through Literature

This paper aims at emphasizing the use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills (i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking) and language areas (i.e. vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation) in our times. Reasons for using literary texts in foreign language classroom and main criteria for selecting suitable literary texts in foreign language classes are stressed so as to make the reader familiar with the underlying reasons and criteria for language teachers’ using and selecting literary texts. Moreover, literature and the teaching of language skills, benefits of different genres of literature (i.e. poetry, short fiction, drama and novel) to language teaching and some problems encountered by language teachers within the area of teaching English through literature (i.e. lack of preparation in the area of literature teaching in TESL / TEFL programs, absence of clear-cut objectives defining the role of literature in ESL / EFL, language teachers’ not having the background and training in literature, lack of pedagogically-designed appropriate materials that can be used by language teachers in a classroom context) are taken into account.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Kajian Tentang Hadits Shahih dan Hadits Hasan

Hadits Shahih
A.    Pengertian Hadits Shahih
 “Shahih ( صحيح)” adalah bahasa arab, lawannya adalah “saqiim (سقيم), artinya “sakit” dan menjadi bahasa Indonesia dengan arti “sah, benar, sempurna sehat” 
Sedang menurut istilah, para ahli berbeda-beda redaksi dalam memberikan definisi  hadits shahih,  diantaranya ialah :
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